There are as many elements as there are feasible analyses. Indeed, several fields require the expertise of a laboratory to be analyzed in depth, whether it is food, medical, biotechnological, research, ... The microbiology laboratory is a place where we perform analysis on biological elements of the order of microns. But more precisely, what is done in a microbiology laboratory ?


The microbiology laboratory is a place where microbiological analyses are performed. But what are these famous microbiological analyses? They are the actions of identification, quantification, measurement, determination in order to obtain the results on the content and the activities characterizing a micro-organism. As an element, the size is infinitely small, that's why we talk about the order of microns. 1 micron is one millionth smaller than a meter. We call this applied science studying microorganisms: microbiology.


Thus, microbiology is a subgroup of biology that studies microscopic organisms. There are 7 branches in microbiology: bacteriology, parasitology, mycology, immunology, virology, genetics and biotechnology. Each specialty has its own field of expertise. But the fields requiring the use of a microbiology laboratory are numerous. This can range from agri-food, health, biotechnology research, to medical fields. Indeed, microorganisms can be either pathogenic or beneficial for living beings. To speak only of those with beneficial benefits and are used in several agri-food industries. Among these are the manufacture of cheese, bakery, brewery, ... Also, in the pharmaceutical industry: vaccines, therapeutic molecules, ... These are all results obtained after analysis in a microbiology laboratory. For pathogenic microorganisms, which means "capable of causing disease in humans", their study has never been more important. Indeed, in order to be able to remedy them, the immune system must contain the adequate weapons to fight these diseases. This is where immunology comes in. The other branches of microbiology each have their own characteristics and importance. In the microbiology laboratory, they are also indispensable and interdependent on each other.


Microbiologists are the people responsible for microbiological analyses. The microorganisms studied are classified as follows: bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. Therefore, professionals in the microbiology laboratory must first acquire a thorough knowledge of these elements: their physiology, genetics, properties and characteristics. This helps the microbiologist to carry out his work and to understand the interactions between these micro-organisms invisible to the naked eye and the visible world. Moreover, performing microbiological analyses requires meticulousness and precision. In order to be able to work in a microbiology laboratory, microbiologists are trained as microbiology technicians or engineers after obtaining a scientific baccalaureate.